Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Had a few nice photos of Brett Favre's first appearance at Giants Stadium in a pre-season game. Via Getty, these ran in a magazine called "The Player's Club" published by Lenny Dykstra. Who knew?

I used to wonder what motivates a guy like Brett Favre to keep playing football and now I like to think it's because there's nothing else he'd rather do. I'm no huge football fan, but I think there's something kind of noble about that.

I remember shooting Lance Armstrong running across the Verrazano Bridge the first time he ran the New York City Marathon. For no reason that I can figure out, he was easy to pick out of the throngs of runners bunched up at the start. Maybe Lance couldn't not compete and that's why he was there. I'm fairly sports-averse, but I can translate the persistence these guys demonstrate into a little inspiration for myself.

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